(in a modern tweet)
Get Starbucks dabblers to bring out Starbucks for her summer hangs by helping her make the most of her summer days because she wants to squeeze out every opportunity to enjoy her summer before the season ends and it’s back to the hum-drum of routine.
Knowing our target is an aspiring tastemaker and full- fledged foodie we tapped into her sense of exploration through recipes. To grab some cooking clout and draft off trendy food culture we partnered with the ever growing and popular Tastemade for their first ever cookbook.
We broke the book down into 4 parts of the day (dawn, midday, sunset, and dusk), thus extending the coffee occasions and coffee varieties our target would partake in. We created a premium printed book that was free with purchase and extended the content on our owned properties and Tastemade’s site.
Creative Direction
Senior Art Director: Marc Burrow
Senior Copywriter: Meghan Beckel
Production: Tastemade.
Tastemade was the perfect partner to pull off this complex and robust coffee recipe book. We provided them a design style guide (and a lot of feedback along the way). And they brought their expertise in recipe creation. The result is an inspiriting and functional cookbook with coffee at the center.
We utilized our displays, online banners,, and Tastemade's site to communicate the book offer:
Buy 3 Starbucks Products, Get a Premium Recipe Book